Learn Your Subtle Anatomy and Physiology to Create Holistic Healing
(On Demand Online Holistic Healing Courses)
"You have the power to heal yourself holistically,
provided you are aware of what needs healing and why!"
The Course Content:
Trailer (2:36)
Section 1 - Introduction
Welcome! (8:59)
Section 2 - The Vital Energy (QI)
Module 1 - The Vital Energy (QI) (18:51)
Balanced Masculinity and Femininity Energetically (7:04) (Supplemental material to Section 2)
Section 3 - The Human Energy Field / The Biofield
Module 2 - The Human Energy Field (The Biofield) (19:43)
Conscious Breathing (Supplemental material to Section 3)
Section 4 - The Human Energy Centers
Module 3 - Chakras and Tan Tien (14:02)
Module 4 - The Lower 3 Chakras: Root - Sacral - Solar Plexus Chakras (19:34)
Module 5 - The Upper Four Chakras: Heart-Throat-Third Eye-Crown Chakras (24:37)
The Power of Sounds-Vibrations-Colors (Audio-Visual Meditation) (16:02) (Supplemental material to Section 4)
Section 5 - The Human Energy Distribution Pathways
Module 6 - The Organ Meridians (Module 6) (18:04)
Module 7 - The Organ Meridians (cont’d), the Extraordinary Meridians, the Collaterals (18:20)
Module 8 - Nadis and Minor Chakras (11:12)
The Chakra Activation Technique (An integrative approach to chakra activation and balancing) (9:02) (Supplemental material to Section 5)
Section 6 - The Connection Between the Vital Energy and the Human Body/Mind
Module 9 - The Organ Systems, and From Belief to Behavior and Illness (12:03)
Module 10 - The Impact of Disharmonious Vital Energy on the Body Organs (17:27)
Module 11 - The Trauma Capsules in the Body and Biofield. Healing vs. Curing (20:33)
How to Balance Acidic and Alkaline Foods to Improve Health and Wellness? (9:50) (Supplemental material to Section 6)
Emotional First Aid Practice: Self-Acceptance Technique (8:38) (Supplemental material to Section 6)
Section 7 - Wholeness is Wellness!
Module 12 - Wholeness is Wellness! (19:56)
Benefits of Holistic Healing (Supplemental to Mod. 12) (5:59) (Supplemental material to Section 7)
Meridian Clock as a Healing Tool (Supplemental material to Section 7)