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Writer's pictureNora Nur Nalinci

Open Letter to Women Going Through Breast Cancer Treatment

Updated: Dec 21, 2024

Self-Healing Insights - 017
Dear Reader,
A close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Upon hearing the news, I immediately began researching and was saddened to learn that breast cancer rates continue to rise. Fortunately, if detected early, the survival rate can be as high as 99%.
When my friend first received the diagnosis, she was understandably in shock. Soon after, a flood of emotions followed—fear, sorrow, guilt, anger, and anxiety. Watching her face these challenges reminded me of my own personal struggles and the emotional pain that led me on my own journey of self-healing.

My journey with spirituality and energy healing began in 1993. It started with Reiki training, first at Level 1 and then progressing to Level 2. After my training, I began practicing Reiki on myself, family, and friends. One of my first significant experiences happened in 1994 when I broke my ankle while climbing stairs. The pain was unbearable, and I was home alone with my 5-year-old daughter, unsure of what to do. Instinctively, I decided to give Reiki to my ankle. I placed my hands around it, calling upon the universal healing energy. Within five minutes, the pain had subsided, although the dislocated bone remained.
When I eventually made it to the hospital, I had to wait for half an hour before being seen by a doctor. When the doctor finally examined me, I confidently told him that I had broken my ankle. He laughed and said, “If your ankle were broken, you wouldn’t be sitting here smiling.” But after taking X-rays, he returned with a look of surprise. “You have a multi-fractured ankle,” he said. “How are you not in agony?” Still, I continued smiling. He informed me I’d need surgery in three weeks to insert pins and hold the bones together.
During those three weeks, I gave Reiki to my ankle several times a day. When I returned to the doctor, new X-rays revealed that my bones had fused perfectly, and surgery was no longer necessary. This experience greatly boosted my confidence in Reiki, and from then on, I used it to address both minor and major health issues.
A bigger challenge came in 1999 when I woke up one morning with pain and a hard mass in my left breast. An ultrasound revealed a large mass, and the following day I underwent surgery to remove it. Thankfully, the biopsy came back benign, but the doctor informed me that I had about 40 small cysts in both breasts. He advised me to reduce my stress and eliminate caffeine from my diet (at the time, I was drinking eight cups of coffee a day!).
The idea of having so many cysts was terrifying, especially given my fear of needles. For an entire year, I gave Reiki to both of my breasts every night. When I went for my follow-up ultrasound, the doctor was amazed to see that both of my breasts were completely clear.
Over the years, I’ve refined my abilities, and Reiki healing energy now flows instantly whenever I need it. I’ve also become a Vibrational Sound Medicine Coach Practitioner, and combining Reiki with tuning fork vibrations has amplified the speed and power of healing in remarkable ways.

Be Open to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
During the difficult journey of breast cancer treatment, complementary and alternative therapies can significantly enhance mental health and overall well-being. Acupuncture, acupressure, Reiki, vibrational sound therapy, meditation, yoga, tai chi, qigong, aromatherapy, massage, and reflexology all help to restore balance. Consider attending group sessions of yoga, tai chi, qigong, or sound healing to support your healing process.
You can also begin healing yourself from the comfort of your own home. All it takes is to complete Level 1 and Level 2 trainings in "Usui Reiki" and regularly practicing it on yourself. (Usually, Level 1 is a two-day training, and Level 2 is a 1-day training). Every human being has access to universal Reiki energy; the training simply activates and teaches you how to harness it. The more you practice, the stronger it becomes. Reiki is increasingly being used alongside cancer therapy to reduce stress hormones, support the body’s natural healing mechanisms, improve quality of life, strengthen the immune system, and lessen side effects.

I hope that by sharing my own healing journey, I can offer guidance and comfort to those who need it most.

With my warmest wishes,

Nora Nur Nalinci, MBA, CVSCP, LSH, CEOLD
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